After the Urbanus locates the Silvana and ensures its safety, Sophia returns and is surprised that Claus has been taken. As Covenant Day arrives, Dio takes part in the Trial of Agoon to claim inheritance of the Maestro's position by participating in mortal combat against other Guild members. Claus worries that Dio may die, unable to bear seeing him fight. At the same time, the operation to capture the Guild's Claudia Units commences at Horizon Cave. On the Silvana, Lavie finally completes the repairs for her and Claus's vanship. Delphine takes Claus and Alvis to the location of Exile, where they find its defense system has begun attacking Guild Presence Ships as well. Delphine reveals that Exile is a colony ship used by those who first settled on their world. Exile attacks Delphine's Guild Presence Ship but stops when it senses Alvis's presence. Injected with a truth serum of thorns, Alexander recites the Mysteria of House Dagobert and House Hamilton, and Alvis responds to both. However, Alexander reveals that he has not read the Mysterion of House Bassianus before entrusting it to Sophia. Delphine then receives word that Dio is the victor of the Trial of Agoon.